Genesis collection sale

Our first earthquake NFT collection (the Genesis collection) went on sale to allow list members for a special price of 100 Algos on 3 May.

All allow list members had a chance to purchase one earthquake artifact from the Genesis Collection, which was determined randomly through a shuffle sale.

The shuffle was open to allow list members for 48 hours - they purchased just over half of the collection. We then opened up the remainder to the public, which sold out in less than 12 hours.

We will be donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale - 10% to disaster relief and 10% to scientific research.

Joining the allow list

To join the allow list, join the Data History Museum Discord. Further instructions are in the #announcements and #genesis-sale-allowlist channels.

Some allow list places are being made available via our partners. If you hold NFTs from Al Goanna, MNGO, PixTrait FlemishGiant or CGF , follow their instructions as they will be sending their lists to us for inclusion.

The allow list closes to Discord and partner members on 29 April 2022 (GMT 23:59).

Preparing for the sale

We’re selling the earthquake artifacts on the algorand network through Instant Shuffle. You will need to have a MyAlgo wallet ready to purchase through Instant Shuffle.

You’ll need a minimum of 100 Algos in your wallet for the artifact.

Buying the artifact

Genesis collection artifacts will be available from 3 May 2022 12:01 GMT for 48 hours (to 5 May 2022 12:01 GMT). During this period allow list members will be able to buy one artifact, which we will allocate randomly from the Genesis collection.

Go to Instant Shuffle and connect your wallet.

If we have your wallet address, you’ll be granted access automatically. Press the Shuffle button to get your artifact. Sign the transaction. You’ll transfer 100 Algos to us, and we’ll transfer you an artifact. Easy!

If you don’t seem to have access (and think you should) get in touch and we’ll see what happened - send us a DM to @admin on our discord, DM us on twitter or email

After the shuffle

If, after the 48 hour sale period, we have artifacts left over, we’ll offer them for sale. We’ll announce via twitter and our Discord.